The consortium formed by Bruno Remoué & Associats – allNext – IGN FI consortium has been selected to carry out a study on the profiling of precarious neighbourhoods in the Autonomous District of Abidjan as part of the Urban Sanitation and Resilience Project (PARU), financed by the World Bank on behalf of the Department of Addressing, Restructuring and Urban Renewal (DARRU) of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Urban Planning (MCLU).
The objectives of this study are to profile the precarious neighbourhoods in the Autonomous District of Abidjan, to identify operational solutions for improving the situation in these neighbourhoods and to prepare interventions in three Abidjan neighbourhoods.
A cartographic production workshop was set up at the SIGFU centre to carry out the first phase, where cartographers from the MCLU produced the necessary data. Our group produced a detailed multi-dimensional inventory of these districts using high-resolution urban data generated as part of the SIGFU project, led by the Department of Modernisation, Information Technology, Simplification and Security of Acts (DMISSA). This database has made it possible to create an atlas of precarious neighbourhoods at District level and for each of the communes in the Autonomous District of Abidjan.
Thanks to this inventory, the ministry now has a precise map of the neighbourhoods concerned, with thematic maps on natural hazards, the impact of servitudes and changes in these neighbourhoods since the 1992 inventory. This mapping was the subject of field checks to confirm the boundaries of these neighbourhoods and collect information.

Study on the profiling of precarious neighbourhoods in the Autonomous District of Abidjan as part of the Urban Sanitation and Resilience Project (PARU), on behalf of the Department of Addressing, Restructuring and Urban Renewal of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Urban Planning.