Agriculture / Forests
Geographic information is essential in countries where agriculture represents a major part of the country’s national economy and food safety is threatened economy and food safety is threatened. Conflicts of use between forests and other land uses are now an integral part of international action plans concerning climatic changes and particularly within the framework of the REDD+ mechanism, a programme designed to fight against deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. Geographic data production and its integration into business applications aimed at supporting the sector’s actors in their decision-making work. This data not only enables the detailed identification of agricultural and forest land areas but also it helps to gain specific knowledge of the type of crops or forests present as well as monitoring and analysing changes in land cover.
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Our areas of expertise
Advise, design and implement projects specifically adapted to the different integral elements of the agricultural and forestry sectors as well as land use on a wider scale:
- Acquisition of satellite images or aerial photographs
- Image processing (radiometric and geometric)
- Processing and integration of data from various sources
- Production of data bases and thematic maps
- Thematic inventories
- Statistical surveys (surface areas, yields)
- Verification and quality control of land use data
- Definition and implementation of sampling grids
- Laying down protocols for the validation of data in compliance with international standards
- Development and implementation of thematic application
- Theoretical and practical training