Since the company was founded in 1986, IGN FI has always been committed to working in close proximity to its clients in order to implement creative, long-term solutions suited to each different project context.

IGN FI provides its expertise internationally to public and private sector actors:

  • Governments
  • Technical ministries: environment, agriculture, natural resources, energy, land planning and development, land administration affairs
  • Economic development bodies: local authorities, agencies
  • National cartographic institutes
  • Private sector: large groups, international consultancy firms

Coming up next

About IGN FI

A company known for its skills in geographical information and its innovative approach to managing and using geospatial data, IGN FI is entirely dedicated to ex... Read more

Our teams

IGN FI has almost 50 employees at present. The company’s head office is in Paris but many temporary local offices have been set up in order to bring our teams... Read more

Why choose us?

IGN FI covers projects in all their stages, offering a complete range of services including data production and processing, system development, technology and k... Read more

Our projects

For over 30 years, IGN FI has intervened in all the corners of the globe. In Africa, of course, but also in Eastern Europe, in Asia, in Middle-East, in Southern... Read more